Holiday season is upon us!
We wish you would have a safe and enjoyable summer vacation with your family!
We would like to inform you that there are many inquiries about the best price reservations.
The reservation price on the Novemberstay website is the lowest price than the price of various social commerce sites (Yanolja,, Agoda, etc.).
However, if there is no way to receive additional discounts such as the social commerce site's own discount event or the points that customers have, we inform you that booking on the november Stay website is the way to make a reservation at the lowest price.
We appreciate it.
Holiday season is upon us!
We wish you would have a safe and enjoyable summer vacation with your family!
We would like to inform you that there are many inquiries about the best price reservations.
The reservation price on the Novemberstay website is the lowest price than the price of various social commerce sites (Yanolja,, Agoda, etc.).
However, if there is no way to receive additional discounts such as the social commerce site's own discount event or the points that customers have, we inform you that booking on the november Stay website is the way to make a reservation at the lowest price.
We appreciate it.